Computational biology(12)
VCF file analysis method using Pandas
1. Data type conversion and filteringTransform the data types of columns required for data analysis.For example, POS can be converted to integer and QUAL to float.# Data type conversiondf['POS'] = df['POS'].astype(int)df['QUAL'] = df['QUAL'].astype(float)df['AF'] = df['AF'].apply(lambda x: float(x.split(',')[0]))# Filtering only high-quality variationshigh_quality_variants = df[df['QUAL'] >= 30]..
2024.11.24 -
statisics and RLinear models and Matrix Algebra
2024.11.24 -
R Biodconductor
Bioconductor- R package providing system for genome analysis (many package collection)- You can check the information on each package on the bioconductor website.- Provide analysis tool and example data▶ INSTALLATION METHOD# 설치if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) install.packages("BiocManager")# 기본 package 다운BiocManager::install() # 특정 package 다운BiocManager::install(원하는 packa..
2024.11.02 -
R self learning
2024.10.28 -
Bioinformatics tools
- bedtools - samtools - bcftools -HTSlib - sickle - bwa-mem - gatk
2024.10.24 -
BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool) NCBI database A bioinformatics tool that compares a query sequence (nucleic acid or protein) to the NCBI sequence database to find similar sequences.