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Bioinformatics tools
- bedtools - samtools - bcftools -HTSlib - sickle - bwa-mem - gatk
2024.10.24 -
BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool) NCBI database A bioinformatics tool that compares a query sequence (nucleic acid or protein) to the NCBI sequence database to find similar sequences.
2024.10.24 -
Lipid Nanoparticle-Based Drug Delivery System
출처 : Nat Rev Bioengineering (2023) ■ Lipid Nanoparticles in the Development of Nucleic Acid Therapeutics Lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) are an FDA-approved delivery technology used for delivering siRNA to the liver and mRNA vaccines. During the COVID-19 pandemic, LNP-based mRNA vaccines played a crucial role in preventing and blocking infections, drawing significant attention to lipid nanoparticle d..
2024.10.24 -
nanotech in biology
Applications of Nanobioengineering: 1. Nanobiosensors and Biochips: To understand biological phenomena and apply them in engineering, it is essential to measure biomolecules that exist in trace amounts. Biological detection technology is crucial not only for initially obtaining large amounts of bioinformation but also for industrial applications like disease prevention and diagnosis. For systems..
2024.10.24 -
exploratory data analysis
Stem and leaf plot: The center of the distribution (median number) can be known. The overall shape of the distribution can be seen. Frequency distribution table: This is a table that classifies the observations of the collected quantitative data into each class and organizes the frequency of observations included in the section by class. Histogram: A graph showing the state of the frequency dist..